When SMEs Bet on International Markets
28 juin 2012
Elaïs Capital boosts Sunaero
17 septembre 2016ONE YEAR LATER. Objective achieved for Aerokwai. The Malaysian subsidiary of the specialist in the detection and repair of fuel leaks, Sunaero, achieved a turnover of 2 million euros in 2015. « By generating a result of 500,000 euros », welcomes Thierry Regond , vice president of Sunaero. And to explain his strategy: “We have focused on three areas: the repair of composite structures with Airbus Hélicoptères; the provision of services directly on aircraft with repair of structural leaks; and sales of Sunaero products, including the detection, repair and control case. ”
The outlook looks promising for the Asian subsidiary employing around ten people. “We have just won Part145 regulations for repairing fuel leaks. It is a key to accessing the civil aviation market for all of Asia. » Next objectives for Aerokwai: recruit 4 people; reach 4 million euros in turnover in 2017 and 7 million in 2020. Sunaero is also established in the United States through its subsidiary Aerowings. « 2016 should see the materialization of an external growth operation on the American territory », he announces, carefully examining the Chinese market where the presence of Airbus should facilitate the business of the SME, whose activity is shared between civil (55%) and military (45%). The company employs around fifty people, including around twenty in Genay.
Thierry Regond, vice-president of Sunaero, a company specializing in the detection and repair of fuel leaks, announced his ambitions for Aerokwai, its Malaysian subsidiary. The manager was targeting two million euros in turnover. Founded in 1988, the company had a turnover of 10 million euros, 60% of which was exported. According to the director, the technology developed by Sunaero allowed a considerable reduction in downtime and operating costs.